I don’t know the POD Go, but what I do know is that I’ve spent a lot of time chasing “tone,” and effects over the years. I find it fun and relaxing. Sometimes I’ll just go on Tone.net and audition captures until I find one that’s inspiring and then just jam for a bit. Great way to practice and not get bored.My Pod Go has been collecting a lot of dust. Mostly because I'm content with sending a jazz box straight into a board (zoom L8) and playing it dry.
Previously when I used the pod go it would be sent stereo out to my powered FRFR studio monitors.
Now I'm running it through the board and then out. It sounds "okay" I don't think I'll ever come close to the intimacy of a real tube amp and real analog pedals. It's something I'll have to live with.
I have a few patches that I built with the Pod Go when I was still excited about it. I dont think I'll be spending hours chasing sound in the near future. I'd rather play than tweak tones ad nauseum .
But I do have a bunch of bread-and-butter presets that I go to for a lot of my basic needs. Depending on my mood or deadlines, sometimes I just need to load up a model and tweak it a bit and get to business.
Statistics: Posted by zerocrossing — Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:55 pm